
SEND-inspire has over a thousand activity plans available which give practical activities to follow with children working at low levels of development.

Here is a sample of 10 activity plans. These have been chosen from a selection of curriculum areas from the engagement model upwards.

Subject Area Title
Co-curriculum (Dexterity) Early Mark Making
Co-curriculum (Exploring touch) Put items inside different things.
Co-curriculum (Hand Control) Improve pincer grip strength
Maths (Stage 2) Co-actively makes things move.
English (Stage 3) Maintain concentration on a story in a small group of children.
Science (Stage 4) Match minibeast sound or movement to minibeast.
English (Stage 5) Responds to ‘where’ in a familiar context.
Social & Emotional (Stage 6) Uses items to represent things in play.
Maths (Stage 7) Knows different coins have different values.
English (Stage 8) Expresses a reason for their likes and dislikes.

There is also a ‘stages guidance’ which will help you to choose the right stage for your child. We are very happy to provide more for you, please e mail if we can help in any way. Keep safe and well.