Learning Pathways

The SEND Inspire learning pathways present a carefully graded series of small step goals. The pathways cover the subjects expected within a typical curriculum, complemented by a rich set of co-curricular activities to help develop sense-related skills and dexterity.

Core subjects

  • English covering: reading, writing, expressive language and receptive language.
  • Mathematics divided into: number, measure, shape, position, direction and statistics.
  • Science including: living things, materials, forces, earth and scientific skills.
  • Social & Emotional focussed on: play, confidence, lifestyle and relationships.

Co-curricular activities

  • Visual skills aimed at helping pupils with a visual impairment or visual perception difficulties.
  • Listening skills targeted at pupils with a hearing impairment or poor listening-concentration.
  • Exploring through touch for pupils with visual/aural impairment.
  • Dexterity & Hand skills addressing motor disability, poor hand skills/strength.


We believe every child should aim to reach the top of his/her tree, but if it proves to be more challenging to get above the lower branches, then there should be lots of opportunities to flourish and grow in areas of special significance to each of them.


The pathways can be purchased independently from the SEND Inspire software licence. As an example, see the 'Number Pathway'.
Please contact us for more details if interested.